I took some pictures of stuff that was lying around the area of the house using my phone. Most of the things have been thrown out. Some pictures of the landscape around the house. The mangosteen tree and the rambutan tree that was the source of many happy evenings "mengait" and fruit fest.
We will begin with the mangosteen tree and the rambutan tree. :) I did not photoshop these two pictures because I like it that way. :D
We will begin with the mangosteen tree and the rambutan tree. :) I did not photoshop these two pictures because I like it that way. :D

This is the rambutan tree. There's some young fruit (do you call it young fruit? I don't know what it is called but it is the "buah muda" so I translate directly to young fruit. hahahah) and they are light green. It will take a while before they turn red. Yum. Maybe by the time the house is done, we can get together and have a picnic outside the house and "kait" some rambutan. :)

And this is the mangosteen tree. If you look closely you can see the young fruit. But since it is also green in colour, I doubt you can spot it unless you are related to Superman and inherited some of his super sight. Hahahaa.

This used to be what kampung kids have for keeping coins. A piggy bank. Though nothing piggy about it. Made from coconut shell. The creativity of kids that dont have money to spend or video games to play. :D This one was not mine but most probably the owner was one of my cousins. What made it interesting to me though was the fact that it looks like a face. A shocked face but cute nonetheless. He he.

This picture I took because of the "pokok menjalar" that was renting a space on the mango tree. Hanging around like it was chillin's out.

This picture I took because of the "pokok menjalar" that was renting a space on the mango tree. Hanging around like it was chillin's out.

This picture was photoshopped. It was a picture of an orange flower lying on the ground. I don't know the name of the flower but the contrast it made lying in it's grey and green and brown surrounding caught my eyes.

As I have mentioned above, these pictures were taken using the camera on a handphone and thus some does not turn out nearly as nice as the picture of the mangosteen tree. So this picture was not so clear and sharp. I decided to photoshop it and after tinkering around with some options, I settled on this. I think the outcome is nice. :) Oh and it is in fact the same mangosteen tree.
I took a picture of a jasmine flower. But the whiteness of the flower and the limitation of my camera made the flower look like a white blob and the details were next to none. So...yes, you guessed it, photoshop galore. The black shadow in the middle was the flower.

There was a young mangosteen that has fallen in the sand pile in front of the house. I took a picture of it but it turns out so grainy and blurry. I photoshoped like jaime oliver. A bit of this and a bit of that, yes use your hands because you can feel the texture, tear here and there and pop it in the oven...and wallah! Ok, I know it is not that nice but I am cool with that. :)

Due to my interest in badminton, of course this old shuttle lying neglected on the ground captured my attention. But again, the quality of the picture was not that good. Photoshop came to my rescue because I so wanted this picture to be included. But the best I could come up with was the picture on the left which I think gave the shuttle the old, run down but of hidden value feel. Like long lost painting of a master. Yeah yeah, I kid myself. I do that all the time. Hahaha.

Last but not least, a picture of me in front of the house. My aunts and me was having tea and "goreng pisang". I wanted to stay mysterious so I photoshop the picture. Looks weird right? But I kinda like it. :D
Nice...just wondering y the white flower turned black tho...hilang le the originality..:P
i mentioned in the caption that the picture, the original one, was so bad and very blurry that no details of the cute flower can be seen. so i decided to photoshop it. i kinda like the look of gloom of a black flower surrounded by leaves that look like neon lights. hahahaha.
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