Friday, June 13


9 June 2008 - Due to the bad, bad, bad (yeah, I need to write it three times to emphasise on the badness, hahahaha) internet connection, I have been unable to write about the stuff that intrigued me the last few days. For one, there was the thing about how eggs can stand on the fifth day of the fifth lunar year. I think. There was even a picture of it in The Star. Then there was the thing about the new TV show Pushing Daisies. Then there was something about how walking barefoot is the best way for your feet and guess where I learned about that? The badminton forum, can you believe it? Go figure. You learn new stuff everyday and at the weirdest places.

I know there was other stuff that I wanted to mention in my blog but not putting pen on paper (figuratively speaking of course :D) when the thing hit me made it hard to remember it later, much less comment about it. While I was daydreaming and mulling about the whole thing, I suddenly realize there’s a simple solution to this problem, which of course take days to figure out as many simple solutions do, and that is to write whatever takes my attention immediately in WORD before later copying and pasting it on my blog whenever the connection permits. J. And so, for postings that are not “live” there will be a date in the beginning of the jottings. Hahahaha. Flurry, there will be a flurry of postings whenever I can get online. Beware! :P

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