Ramadhan is coming and all is well. :)
Some update. The soundless computer have sound again. After much tinkering and trial and error, finally a solution was found and sound is again there to add to the the whole cyber experience. Happy as I am that there is sound again, alas I haven't used it much lately and I don't seem to mind that much anymore. Maybe after not having sound for so long had taken it's toll. Hahaha.
The sprained ankle? Yeah, it is getting better by the day. I do a lot of stretching and rubbing of heat rub. I am adamant that I will be back on the court playing badminton right after raya. I miss my badminton so much. Just looking at the badminton bag makes me want to just say, to hell with it, I want to play NOW! Thanks goodness for common sense and thank goodness that I have some of that. Hehehe. So patience is the key and hopefully that will lead to a lot more years of badminton. :)
Tomorrow, my office will be having a kenduri to celebrate the coming of Ramadhan. We are planing to cook bubur lambuk. Should be good. :) I guess Merdeka will just have to take a back seat this year. Nonetheless, happy birthday Malaysia!
The internet connection is still so bad. TM should really buck up and keep their end of the bargain. I think we are literally paying for bad quality service. After so many complaints and so many visit from their technician, the situation does not seem to get any better. More frustrating when everytime we call they seem to say that they have no record of any complaint being made. WHY is that? We are in the age where the customer is not always right. In fact, the customer should just shut up and put up with it.
Oh, and last but not least, a friend from university was chatting with me the other day and he was worried that I am still single. Well, thank you very much for stating the obvious. Haahaha. Anyway, happy as I am with the way I am now, I guess there's no harm in putting myself out there a bit and who knows, I might just land a good catch. So I am chatting on the cyberworld again. The last time was when I was in university. I feel like I am too old for this. Hehehe. But, unless you play the game, you will not have even a sliver of chance of winning right? Play the game and you have a 50-50 chance. :P On to my next adventure......kuah kuah kuah...
This is leen live fingers on the keyboard saying, live and let live. Carpe diem. You get lemon, try to make lemonade. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Well, you get the gist. Hehehehe.
Nice 'hear' from you again after a long silence :P
Selamat berpuasa and Happy Ramadhan :)
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