Wednesday, September 24
Life Throws You Curve Balls
There are many instances in my life that I had to choose what road to take. Sometimes I had more info and others I just followed my gut feeling. Though in all those instances, I truly believe now, that it was the best for me at the moment. It was right and it had it's own pros and cons. I truly believe that there is a hidden silver lining in all of them. Even the ones that at face value seems so wrong.
One of the big ones was when my parents divorced. I was barely 12. I had to choose who I should live with and that decision will include my young sister who simply wants to follow me wherever I go. So I chose my father. We moved to my paternal grandfather's house. Lost contact with my mother and elder sister who chose to stay with her. Life changes in that split second that I made my decision for both my young sister and me. And yet, as I lose precious time with my mother and sister, I gained the value of family as my father's siblings all stay near each other and are very close. My cousins and I grew up together. We learn to appreciate family and how to support each other.
The next big decision was when I applied for boarding school because all my friends are applying. I did not really want to go but I figured my friends will get into the same boarding school and we could continue our friendship. At the time, those friends were my most precious possession. I did not want to part with them. When the offer letter came, most of my friends got into the same school and I was the only one that was offered the boarding school in Penang. I was teribbly disappointed, to say the least. My friends persuaded me to go. They said it will be good for us. I only thought of the fact that I will be a stranger in a strange land in a school that no one I know goes to. I wanted out. However, I made a decision to at least gave it a try. Thinking that I could leave if I hated it. But those years was one of the best in my life. I learned to grow up. Be a bit independent. Learned to make new friends. Made mistakes. Had a crush. Superb experience that I would not exchange for anything. Even though I left my young sister behind and was even more distant from both my father and mother.
The next one of course involves university. I chose to apply to UTM. I had made up my mind that I wanted to go there. I just haven't decided what course to take. All I knew was that I wanted to get as far away as possible from science and maths subjects. So I filled the form for any course that I could apply to that does not have anything to do with science. But there was one more place to fill. My mother ask me to pick an engineering course. I was against it but i figured that it would be my last pick and thus have a low chance of being successful and in the mean time it will make my mother happy. Plus, I wanted to please her because we are not that close. Guess what? Oh yeah, that was the course that I was offered and i did not get any other offer from any other university. I was mad but I had no choice. So with rebel in my heart, I went. Intending to fail so that I could pick another course. Unfortunately, I got a scholarship that would make the burden on my father that much lighter and thus I was shackled into finishing the course. A hard as the course was, I managed to get through it. Thanks largely to my friends, whom I love dearly, I was able to make it. And again, those were the best times of my life. Had my first car (though it is an old beat up car, I loved it to bits), my first accident, my first time going out for a bite after midnight, my first all night cramming, my first best friend (whom I love so much I practically adopted her family). Many many firsts. Had a blast I tell ya. A BLAST!!!!! So despite the unwanted course, I had so much fun. Wouldn't change that for anything either.
Then decisions about work. Sometimes the lack of it. Had my dark moments of being useless and jobless. I wanted to work in Ipoh, close to my family after years of being away. But we can plan people say, but only ALLAH will decide. Work have taken me to Shah Alam, Petaling Jaya (where I stayed with my stepmother's relative. They were very very nice to me and I am grateful forever) and finally back to Ipoh. I was happy here. Things was going ok. True my salary is low and I do menial work but I was happy. Living a stressless (is that even a word? hahahaha) life. But as life has it, it is time again for me to make a decision. Either to stay on this road that is nice and looks so easy or go off road and find another trail full of adventure.
It all started when my raya leave was denied. He only approved the two days that is considered as public holidays and one more day extra. That's it. Even though I have no urgent matter to do during this raya period. I thought that it was very inconsiderate of my boss to not think about his employees and how they would want to celebrate this with their family that usually can only get together once a year. I was livid. More so when I heard that some got their leave approved. I saw red then. I was talking to the other employees who was angry as well and we decided to not come to work no matter what. Knowing that this could very well mean getting fired. Funny though, this made me reevaluate my current situation. I started to ask around about job openings. I applied for two positions in one day where before I was mainly playing the waiting game with my application for a government post. Where before I was contend with this low paying job, I want more now. And thus, I had a discussion with my family. After comtemplating everything, I had finally made a decision. I will tender my resignation after raya. I will take that plunge into the deep dark sea and take my chances for a better future. Maybe this is just what I needed to trigger a change. It might be a mistake but I truly believe there will be a silver lining even if it turns out to be a mistake initially. I believe that. I just hope it willl turn out great right from the start. With a silent prayer in my heart, here I go.......:D
Friday, August 29
Ramadhan is coming.......
Some update. The soundless computer have sound again. After much tinkering and trial and error, finally a solution was found and sound is again there to add to the the whole cyber experience. Happy as I am that there is sound again, alas I haven't used it much lately and I don't seem to mind that much anymore. Maybe after not having sound for so long had taken it's toll. Hahaha.
The sprained ankle? Yeah, it is getting better by the day. I do a lot of stretching and rubbing of heat rub. I am adamant that I will be back on the court playing badminton right after raya. I miss my badminton so much. Just looking at the badminton bag makes me want to just say, to hell with it, I want to play NOW! Thanks goodness for common sense and thank goodness that I have some of that. Hehehe. So patience is the key and hopefully that will lead to a lot more years of badminton. :)
Tomorrow, my office will be having a kenduri to celebrate the coming of Ramadhan. We are planing to cook bubur lambuk. Should be good. :) I guess Merdeka will just have to take a back seat this year. Nonetheless, happy birthday Malaysia!
The internet connection is still so bad. TM should really buck up and keep their end of the bargain. I think we are literally paying for bad quality service. After so many complaints and so many visit from their technician, the situation does not seem to get any better. More frustrating when everytime we call they seem to say that they have no record of any complaint being made. WHY is that? We are in the age where the customer is not always right. In fact, the customer should just shut up and put up with it.
Oh, and last but not least, a friend from university was chatting with me the other day and he was worried that I am still single. Well, thank you very much for stating the obvious. Haahaha. Anyway, happy as I am with the way I am now, I guess there's no harm in putting myself out there a bit and who knows, I might just land a good catch. So I am chatting on the cyberworld again. The last time was when I was in university. I feel like I am too old for this. Hehehe. But, unless you play the game, you will not have even a sliver of chance of winning right? Play the game and you have a 50-50 chance. :P On to my next adventure......kuah kuah kuah...
This is leen live fingers on the keyboard saying, live and let live. Carpe diem. You get lemon, try to make lemonade. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Well, you get the gist. Hehehehe.
Thursday, July 31
Technology can be frustrating!!!!!!
A few months back, my computer was upgraded to 1GB RAM. Unfortunately, even as i love the new speedier computer, i am now rendered soundless. Hahaha. it that even a word. Soundless. Yep, the komputer have no sound. Checking the sound option in control panel, i was told there was no audio device. Huh? What the......
So until today, I am soundless. Anybody out there who can help me get out of this soundless cacoon?
Monday, July 14
Tuesday, July 8
And of course, we had plans for the evening. The elders decided on a BBQ. A relative prepared curry noodles. We had hotdogs, burgers and chicken wings. Unfortunately, no pictures because I was in charge to BBQing the food and with the fan in one hand and the thongs on the other, there was virtually no way to take pictures unless of course like an orang utan I can use my legs and feet to handle the camera. Hahahaha. :P
The food was good but more than that, it was the feeling of family and the get togetherness of the BBQ. I have to say there are two style of eating that is very conducive for family gatherings, one is BBQ and the other is Steam boat. Yum yum. We were talking and laughing and remembering old stuff like whether my grandfather died before my aunt or the other way around. And I found and old photo of us all (those who were already born that is because one of my cousin and my younger sister is not in the pic) taken most probably during my grandfather's anniversary or birthday. We took the picture in front of the house and it sure brings back memories. The kids in the pictures are all grown up and some are married and had kids on their own. :) Time passes us by so fast and yet at times of gatherings like these, it feels like we are still stuck in that moment. A part of an entity. A part of a family. With people who knows us so well. Our weaknesses and strengths. And we know them well. And because we are family, we see pass the faults and embrace the person for who she/he is. Family rocks !!! (plus the gossip session are better than the ones we watch on tv of celebrities we know nothing about, hehehhehe :D) Glad to be a part of an amazing family both on my father's side and my mother's side. :)
Saturday, June 28
Age Of Glory
Tuesday, June 24
Of Daisies and Forbidden Love
For a sneak peak of the tv show :
For a definition/meaning of pushing daisies :
Friday, June 13
Something Light
I read The Star paper and some of the columnists that I love to read are Mary Schneider, Kevin Cowherd, A. Asohan (excellent article on love story in non rom com movies J), sujesh pavithran, dzof azmi, Brenda Benedict, Alexandra Wong…and others. Any article that has humor in it, I’m in. I am such a sucker for anything that can induce laughter. Sitcoms, rom coms, dot coms hahahahahahahaha, no, just kidding. I would like to think I laugh enough. I frown too much sometimes so a laugh sure exercises the face muscles. Though I heard that we use more muscle to frown than to smile. Funny how that is, isn’t it?
Anyway, I love comics. I read them first when I read the paper followed by the sports section of course J. In The Star paper, I like Calvin and Hobbes, Zits, Hagar the Horrible, and though I am not really a fan of Garfield, I do read it anyway. The others too, except maybe Brenda Starr, and Spiderman (oh no, the wrath of spiderman fans) the former because I don’t get it and the latter because it just does not compare to the real comic books version. And I used to love reading Preteena that can be found in the Star Two section every Wednesday but no more. I tried to find it online but no luck. But I do read other comics online. Like Rose Is Rose, Agnes, Andy Cap, Baby Blues, Dinette Set, Jerry King Cartoons, Mother Goose And Grimm, Non Sequitur, Speed Bump, Red And Rover, Doonesbury, etc.
Laughter is the best medicine. A laughter a day keeps the doctor at bay. Hahahaha.
10 June 2008- I think writing is therapeutic.:) I sure feel good writing about anything and everything. Putting into words your thoughts. At this very moment I am listening to this song I’m Yours by Jason Mraz and I kinda like it. There’s a feeling of a Hawaiian guy on a ukulele singing on the beach as the sun sets.
I like Jason Mraz from the start. He is such a unique person. Like Mika of Grace Kelly. Hehehehe. And James Morrison though he is a bid melancholy. Marie Digby, Colbie Caillat, Sarah Bareilles(that song Love Song) and Gavin Degraw. Oh, and that guy who starred in One Tree Hill. He’s singer who hits on Nathan’s wife Haley. Tyler Hilton is the real name. His voice is distinctive. Beck, Jamiroquai (though I only like this one song and I can’t even remember the title but it is catchy), and others. But I kinda realize that I am not really a fan of singers or band but more a fan of songs. Some singers, I don’t even recognize them but I might love one of their songs. This is like how I show my support in sports. I like Kimi Raikkonen, so whatever team he ends up in, I will still support him. Except for maybe Arsenal whom I support no matter who the coach or the players. I digress. But music that is good to listen to will still be good no matter who the singer is. :)
Freedom of Speech
Anyway, today I took a half day leave to take my mak to the bank and managed to watch the last few minutes of Debat Perdana. If I am not mistaken, the topic was about the government (which is the proposition, the school was Sekolah Tungku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh – yeah, kinda proud it was a school here in Ipoh -> Ipoh! Represented!) was proposing laws on how to censor bloggers and internet users. And the opposition (Sekolah Sains Alam Shah) was against the ides because it was against freedom of speech. I have to admit that I was on the proposition side.
Now don’t get me wrong because I hate censorship too. I always think that we should be left to decide what we watch, and say and write because it is our basic right. I still hate censorship of movies mainly because they are doing the worst job in the world. So really it is not the censorship that I am against but the implementation of it and mainly the people behind it that in my opinion are a weird bunch of people for the way they interpret what should and should not be censored. I am still puzzled when a loving scene of an old couple bathing near a well was deemed inappropriate and yet we have movies about mat rempits and their conquest of girls and drugs and scenes of them in bed together and girls wearing skimpy clothes (which old folks from the kampong will ask if they did not have enough cloth to make a full dress) and racing dangerously on the road being a menace to all other innocent road users.
Oh, the movies makers will claim that the movie was made to show the bad things about merempit but really I just see how they glamourise the rempiting and the bad way of life. You know what they say about when you ask for certain parts of chicken at KFC, you better tell them about the parts you want and not the parts you don’t want because they always hear the wrong part. Example : you tell the KFC cashier that you don’t want chicken wings, wallah you will find chicken wings on your plate. You really have to say I want drumstick and breast, only then you will get the right order. Why? I think it is because we sometimes get the obvious and not get the message behind it. Meaning, showing the rempits doing cool stunts, getting laid and having fun will erase the memory of one mat rempit dying or getting badly injured. The good stuff outweighs the bad and that is how they make the movie. Sex sells some people say. So I think if we show the good things like love between old couples, people who are friends with all races and familiar with other religions and culture and people forgiving other people, then the obvious message will get through to the audience too.
I saw a documentary on TV3 I think about how some mat rempits are professionals and only merempit to relieve stress and not to harm other road users. I say, if you are really thinking of other people, how about racing properly in a proper racing circuit far away from innocent traffic that did not sign up to be you fellow racers on the road. And to the ones that do that, racing properly on the right track I mean, I salute you. Now that is healthy stress reduction activity. And how I have digress….:P
Back to the censorship, I say there is a level of censorship needed for the young impressionable minds but for those who are older, they should be left alone to make up their own minds. And naturally censorship will cough up the topic of human’s right to choose. To not be treated like a two year old that does not know any better. And this in turn will lead to the freedom of speech. Where we believe we have the right to criticize, to argue, to write, to say, to act any which way we think is right without considering other people. Pardon my language, but that is bullshit! I believe we do have the right to speak up our minds. And I do believe in freedom of speech. But I look at the motive for saying the things that some people are saying. And I draw a line when people speculate or make up stuff but say it like it is the truth. So really, what is the motive?
In my opinion, freedom of speech must come with responsibility. However I only see the quest for freedom of speech and no responsibility in some actions and words written. Like the short movie “Fitna”. It was clearly a movie that champions freedom of speech but at what cost? Fitnah, in Islam means telling a lie in order to sully another person’s good name. Like for example, telling people that the widow in the kampong in seducing other people’s husbands and sleeping around and causing the wives to ostracise the widow and in some cases to do more harm than that.
Fitnah in Islam is as bad as murder, that’s how bad it is. Sowing the seeds of hate is practically murder. And I believe that. People kill themselves over gossips that ruin their lives. People kill other people over things said that are not true but was believed to be true. Taking for example the cartoons by the Danes about depicting Muhammad S.A.W, they say why should they follow the rules of another religion that they do not believe in. And they say it is their freedom of speech. But I say that even you do not believe that religion you still have to respect the people who do. Like following the customs and practice of a foreign place that you visit. You don’t laugh at other people’s way of life. You don’t insult them purposely. You try to blend in and learn a new culture. Would they be as bold as to do that in an Islamic country? I don’t think so. But they are bold because they are in their own land and seem to think that it is merely their right to use their freedom of speech.
I am asking you now, if someone goes up to your face and say that your mother is a questionable woman (I would not like to use the word itself here), would you not get mad? It is, after all, their right to say whatever they like so why should we react to that? But we do get mad and we do react, some, more violently than others. And frankly the question to ask here is; what is the motive of the person who said such things. Is it merely to speak his mind or to provoke reactions? We might not agree with how other people dress or what they believe but it is their right to live life the way they saw fit. And not respecting that only show how shallow and the cowardice of people who hide behind the freedom of speech reason. Where is your responsibility to respect other people’s right? Does freedom of speech outweighs everything else in life? Do you provoke a killer who has a gun aimed at you by saying the truth like he is stupid to try to kill you because he would go to jail if he did or would you shut your mouth and try to stay alive?
There are other things that are more important than all out freedom of speech that does not consider other people’s feeling, other people’s lives and other people’s faith. And those people who champions all out freedom of speech are losing the real “human rights”. The right to be respected and the right to live together in peace. There are things that we should speak up for and then there are things that we should consider how it affects other people and whether it will bring good changes in the world or merely create hate and violence. Provocation and in turn violent reactions are what causes war and fights and in the end the loss of human lives, some of them innocent. A few Danes disrespected Muslims and all Danes get the bad name. One Dutch make an obviously biased movie and all Dutch bears the brunt of anger of Muslims around the world. And the fanatics will turn to violence and I have to make a stand here that violence is wrong. Murder is wrong. Killing innocent people for any reason is not acceptable. Ever. Even in war you don’t kill the innocent and you only kill those who want to kill you to protect your live and your family.
By the length of this posting, you can guess that I feel strongly about this and I do. I feel sad that freedom of speech is used to justify everything. Even at the risk of sparking hate and violence and never ending revenge. Don’t just see the violent reactions and not see the provocation. We are after all humans, with deep feelings and passion and desire and anger and hate and love and so many other feelings that could lead to actions both good and bad. People kill over love gone wrong. People kill over long term bullying. People kill for the death of a pet. People can kill for so many reasons. Some actions can lead to chain reactions that destroy lives. Things spoken can hurt more than pain of the physical. I just hope people remember that and use freedom of speech responsibly and use it with the aim of making the world a better place.
I know there was other stuff that I wanted to mention in my blog but not putting pen on paper (figuratively speaking of course :D) when the thing hit me made it hard to remember it later, much less comment about it. While I was daydreaming and mulling about the whole thing, I suddenly realize there’s a simple solution to this problem, which of course take days to figure out as many simple solutions do, and that is to write whatever takes my attention immediately in WORD before later copying and pasting it on my blog whenever the connection permits. J. And so, for postings that are not “live” there will be a date in the beginning of the jottings. Hahahaha. Flurry, there will be a flurry of postings whenever I can get online. Beware! :P
Tuesday, June 3
Little White Lies
Anyway, the answer to the question above is a big big YES!! For every person, there are things that they would think twice before buying and then there are stuff that they just have to get no matter what. This usually correlates with their interests. Boys in general loves sport stuff anf gadgets. Girls love clothes and shoes. Ok, girls loves a lot of stuff. Hahahaha. We would be buying everything if we can get a rich man to love us and make enough money for us to spend every minute of the day.
Me, my current interest in badminton stuff, in particular, badminton shoes. I have set aside RM50 for a few months just to buy a new racket. And I try not to let my mak sees the new racket. Or if I can't hide it, I lie about the price. Haha. If she knows how much I have spent on badminton stuff, she would bite my head off. According to her I should spend more money on clothes. And I should buy a new car so that I can take her to KL to visit her grandchildren safely and in comfort (my current car is a 16 years old charade aura with hard brakes and tink tink sounds everywhere) though that would surely take like years and years of setting aside RM50...hahahahaha :P So, anyway, my current object of desire is a new badminton shoes. Asics Gel Tactic or Mizuno badminton shoes though Mizunos are hard to find. I have not found Asics in Ipoh yet but people are telling me that I could find them in Yik Foong so maybe I will go take a look around one of these days. Hopefully when I have the money because I just hate seeing something I like and having to wait to get it in my hands.

This one is for men but I love the colour scheme.
Monday, June 2
Took Some Pictures

Now, this is what I call a character :)
That Valentino Rossi is sure one kooky character. His helmet rocks I tell ya. Made me smile. Some people are just funny in a cool way. Check out the helmet that I am talking about :
Can you imagine the guy riding in front of him and seeing that in the rearview side mirror. Hahaha. No wonder he won the race. :P Awesome! Glad to know there are kooky people out there still. We sure need more of those. Go Rossi!!
Saturday, May 31
Meet Coachie
He now has a protruding right eye! *o*
I believe he was in some sort of disagreement with some of the other hangies (like groupies but they are mainly hang ons....after all he hangs on to my badminton bag all his life with the others) or maybe a bump with a racket or something. His beautiful big black eyes that can see my soul are now weird looking but he is still a dear to me. I dont know if the eye can be fixed but I have decided to love him just the way he is. Protruding eye and all. He is after all my Coachie. The one who silently (if there were any noise, I would be screaming already) supports me when I am playing and the one who just hangs around and let me be. Bad badminton and all. Hahahaha. Plus, his coolness factor rubs on me too. Though now with the protruding eye, maybe the coolness level have dropped a bit or maybe gone up a notch, depending on how people rate coolness. :D
Anyway, here is Coachie and his protruding eye's looking at you kid. :)

While the internet was down.....

My live without stable internet access........
Tuesday, May 20
I try and try and try......
The Thomas Cup and Uber Cup
Thomas Cup was so near yet so far. Yes, I was disappointed but I think most of our players did their best and if Hafiz were able to move up a gear and not look like there's no more hope on court and be more aggresive, we might have reached the finals. Koo Kien Keat/ Tan Boon Heong looked like thay have lost the magic. They did try though and I applaud that. But maybe they can't play together anymore. Or shouldn't play together anymore if they can't get over their differences on court and play together and support each other. I did not put much hope on Wong Choon Hann but I was still hoping against hope that he could beat Bao Chun Lai and set the standard for the next doubles to emulate. Thankfully the next doubles did not need any as they won their game. But by that time I was weary of the fact that we have to bank on hafiz to clinch a place in the finals. Truthfully, I was already thinking that we could try again next time even before hafiz took to the court. And sadly that thought was proved right by a meek hafiz that did not show any fight and made so many mistakes. If it was the pressure, he was there before and should have been prepared. But alas, another bad showing was all he was capable of. I was sad that so much talent came to nought. time maybe we'll take the trophy home. It will be on our owm homeground and I am already planning to be there. :)
While I Was Visiting The Old House
We will begin with the mangosteen tree and the rambutan tree. :) I did not photoshop these two pictures because I like it that way. :D

This picture I took because of the "pokok menjalar" that was renting a space on the mango tree. Hanging around like it was chillin's out.

This picture was photoshopped. It was a picture of an orange flower lying on the ground. I don't know the name of the flower but the contrast it made lying in it's grey and green and brown surrounding caught my eyes.

As I have mentioned above, these pictures were taken using the camera on a handphone and thus some does not turn out nearly as nice as the picture of the mangosteen tree. So this picture was not so clear and sharp. I decided to photoshop it and after tinkering around with some options, I settled on this. I think the outcome is nice. :) Oh and it is in fact the same mangosteen tree.

Last but not least, a picture of me in front of the house. My aunts and me was having tea and "goreng pisang". I wanted to stay mysterious so I photoshop the picture. Looks weird right? But I kinda like it. :D
Last Saturday

The original house
The house was real old and need repair. So we all chipped in to repair it. The work has started and it is looking ok so far. Soon the house will not look like the old one. The one where I grew up and play and study and plan mischievious schemes. Hahaha. The next picture is what the house in the process of repair looks like.
The house holds many memories. Good and bad. Happy and sad. Things changes. Going home to your "kampung" and see things that are not the same anymore seems to make it obvious that time is passing us by. All things are familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time. Where the old tree that we climb used to be, there's a stump. But just looking at the stump brings back memories of climbing that tree. Memory is a powerful powerful thing. :)
When the house is finished, I will post a new picture.
We make plans, but.............
Thursday, May 15
Stop and Stare
Stop And Stare - One Republic
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shakin off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can u see what I see
They're tryin to come back, all my senses push
Un-tie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Gonna run till you can't walk
But something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
What u need, what u need...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do u see what I see...
Learning is a lifelong process.
Lifelong process indeed. And this is just about blogging. There are so many other things I would love to learn more of. But that's another topic altogether. :P
Wednesday, May 14
This is after all the week of TC/UC
Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive
And the world,
I'll turn it inside out yeah
I'm floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now
Don't stop me'cause
I'm having a good time
Having a good time
I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go there's no stopping me
I'm burning through the sky yea
Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me now
I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
Don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time
Just give me a call
Don't stop me now'cause I'm having a good time
Don't stop me now
Yes I'm having a good time
I don't wanna stop at all
I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite
I'm out of control
I'm a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to oh oh oh oh oh explode!
I'm burning through the sky yeah
Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
Don't stop me don't stop me, don't stop me hey hey hey!
Don't stop me don't stop me ooh ooh ooh
I like it
Don't stop me don't stop me
Have a good time good time
Don't stop me don't stop meohhhhhhh!
(guitar solo)
I'm burning through the sky yeah
Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball
Don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time(all right)
Just give me a call
Don't stop me now'cause I'm having a good time
Don't stop me now
Yes I'm having a good time
I don't wanna stop at all
this flag taken from, and thank you in advance
So guys, dont let anybody stop you, yeah!!!!!
Tuesday, May 13
Thomas Cup is here and...........
Six degrees of separation theory....
Listening to this song............
Anyway, the song I am talking about is.....jeng jeng jeng.....(though I think a lot of people might have loved this song way way before me) Say It Again by Marie Digby.
The thing about love
Is i never saw it coming
It kinda crept up and took me by surprise
And now there`s a voice inside my heart that`s got me wondering
Is this true, i want to hear it one more time
Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Just a little louder
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i`m
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It`s like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you`re in love
Say it again
Thing about you is you know just how to get me
You talk about us like there`s no end in sight
The thing about me is that i really want to let you
Open that door and walk into my life
Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Just a little louder
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i`m
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It`s like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you`re in love
And it feels like it`s the first time
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain
And never in my whole life
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i`m
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It`s like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you`re in love
Say it again
When you tell me you`re in love
and of course, courtesy of youtube
Friday, May 9
Moving to a new place.....
So yeah, pros and cons. And the irony is, when I am in the passionate mood to blog away, the line disconnected and my thoughts "terbantut" (retarded). Aiya.
Current pressing issue
Anyway, on to the pressing issue of my selfish selfish world. I need a good sandal/work shoes that is comfortable, have good cushioning to support my weight and my frequent trips up and down the stairs. My knees hurt you know. I was thinking Crocs but are they really good? I would like to hear the opinion of others before making my decision.
Basically, I need a sandal that is dressy enough to wear to work and yet sporty enough to look ok at the badminton hall during my badminton sessions. Wouldn't want other people to stop and stare at my feet like I am crazy shoes lady. Haaaahaaaa. I need the shoes to have very good cushioning (the painfull knees remember?) and easy to care for. Crocs seems to fit the bill. But upong googling, there's also bad things said about them Crocs. So feedback from those who has em would be helpful. Or maybe a recommendation of other brands.
Anyway, these are some of the design of Crocs that cought my eye. Check it out. Which one looks good to ye?
courtesy of§ion=products§ion=products§ion=products§ion=products§ion=products
This is a tribute......
and kampua too for also nudging me towards the realization of this blog.
Thursday, May 8
The third post today to fulfil the odd posts rule..hahaha
Anyway, I want to share a picture of my badminton gear. :D

Trial and error rocks!!
So many things to learn, so lazy to read up about them
Wednesday, May 7
Odd number of posts per day
Do you like board games?
Favourite song currently....
Told ya I will post a lot the first few weeks....
The first is always the best, the hardest, the one you will most probably regret....
I am predicting that I will write a flurry of posts these first few weeks. Things that are silly, things that are semi personal, things that I think about when I daydream, things that matter to me, things that makes me smile, things that are plain stupid, things that might offend other people (sorry in advance), things that make me mad, things that interests me......basically everything under the sun and the moon and hence the title of my blog. Do not expect mature posts all the time and I will not expect people to even read my posts. Just my ramblings.
On with the show.