Saturday, May 31

Meet Coachie

Meet my badminton pal, Coachie (yeah i know he sounds like a favourite snack that usually involves spitting saliva covered shells). He hangs around (literally!) with me when I go for my badminton session. Though he looks like he would prefer to be fishing somewhere, he really loves to hang around in the badminton hall with me. The reason why there is a new post entirely dedicated to Coachie is because of this :

He now has a protruding right eye! *o*

I believe he was in some sort of disagreement with some of the other hangies (like groupies but they are mainly hang ons....after all he hangs on to my badminton bag all his life with the others) or maybe a bump with a racket or something. His beautiful big black eyes that can see my soul are now weird looking but he is still a dear to me. I dont know if the eye can be fixed but I have decided to love him just the way he is. Protruding eye and all. He is after all my Coachie. The one who silently (if there were any noise, I would be screaming already) supports me when I am playing and the one who just hangs around and let me be. Bad badminton and all. Hahahaha. Plus, his coolness factor rubs on me too. Though now with the protruding eye, maybe the coolness level have dropped a bit or maybe gone up a notch, depending on how people rate coolness. :D

Anyway, here is Coachie and his protruding eye's looking at you kid. :)


opsiedaisy said...

Hahah i baru nak cakap you got a silent admirer there! Tingok tingok dangling soft toy! Haiya you aaa...:P

azabaz_ipoh said...

hehehe, he is my silent admirer. never once has he said anything bad about my badminton skills and he's always there. hahahahaha :D