Friday, May 9

This is a tribute......

to the first ever person who penned her thoughts on my silly blog. Thank you very much Miss (or more apt, Mrs mum to be) Opsiedaisy (no real name because i have not gotten any permission to use real name here and frankly i like the mysterious aura of it). Thank you for showing me the first taste of blog and for finally nudging me into making one of my own. :D

and kampua too for also nudging me towards the realization of this blog.


opsiedaisy said...

Heheh that's cute. Peace to you too Azabaz. Well I would appreciate it if you keep me Anon though some have put my name on the link..oh well....I have come out recently by posting my pics. :P

azabaz_ipoh said...

thank you thank you.....

will do. i always thought if a person wants to be known, he/she will introduce themselves to you. :D i always keep everybody anon unless given permission to do differently.

oh, and yeah, those pictures are more you that i remember than the pic you showed me on ym. hehehehe. still looking beautiful. must be the mom to be glow. :)